Waste Treatment
Tunnel composting technique
NALG’s technology partner is one of the first companies in the world which applied the tunnel composting techniques for composting Garden Fruit and Vegetables waste. Besides composting Garden Fruit and Vegetables waste the concept is also applied worldwide for composting the following types of waste: sludge, commercial waste, animal waste, digested residu, manure, municipal waste, green waste and other organic waste products.

NALG Invessel Composting tunnels are build in a modular system where different tunnel sizes are used. The sizes can vary from 20 till 50 meters in length and from 6 till 10 meters width. These results in filling capacities between 100 and 700 tonnes per tunnel. Every site requirements are different and depending on total waste received on site and retention times sites can have 2 tunnels to 40 tunnels per facility and can treat anywhere from 5000 and 400000 tonnes of material per year.
NALG facilities that have reasonable clean input waste streams, produce compost that can be used as a soil improver for agriculture, horticultural or soil improvement. This way of recycling creates a circle for organic based material which is extremely important for a good structure of the ground. It keeps minerals and organic fractions where they belong. All sites designed, constructed and operator trained by NALG achieve compliance as per AS4454 standards.
NALG tunnels are renown for high aeration fold. The oxygen, temperature, moisture and ammonia are distributed very well, as a result of this. Therefore the organic fraction is composted extremely efficient in NALG tunnels. Depending on the input material and the requested compost output the composting process in tunnels takes between 2 and 4 weeks. After this period the material finishes the composting process on an aerated floor and is transferred to Phase II tunnels for further maturation or transferred to maturation pad. NALG delivers tunnels that can be filled using a front-end loader or an automatic filling system. Also for emptying tunnels NALG supplies automatic systems. The NALG tunnel system can be defined as a system with a low demand on labour per ton of waste input material.

NALG Pre and Post Treatment Building System
NALG Building System for waste solution are modular and can increase in size as quantity of waste grows. NALG engineered building system comes in various spans from 20mtr to 90 mtr and is under negative pressure. The design takes care of corrosive atmosphere and fresh air intakes adequate enough to create right working conditions for workers and equipments. The air ventilated from the building is utilised for composting needs and then treated prior to entering the atmosphere.